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Editions and Copyright Information

The Japanese edition of the GUKANSHO inserted on JHTI has been taken from the 日本古典文学作品データベース of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. It is an electronic copy of a printed edition published in 1967 by the Iwanami Publishing Company as volume 86 of the 日本古典文学大系. Permission to insert this electronic copy on JHTI has been obtained in a written agreement signed by the National Institute of Japanese Literature and the University of California in February of 2004.

The English translation of the GUKANSHO inserted on JHTI is The Future and the Past: A Translation and Study of the Gukansho, an Interpretive History of Japan Written in 1219, co-translated by Delmer M. Brown and Ichiro Ishida (University of California Press, 1979). Permission to publish this translation electronically was granted by the University of California Press in 2001.

All rights are reserved for both the Japanese edition and the English translation. No person or institution is permitted to publish electronically or mechanically any portion of this translation beyond brief quotations or other fair use recognized by international law. Nor is any person or institution permitted to place this translation on CD ROM's or convert then to printed copies for sale.

Every paragraph of the Japanese original is linked with its English translation, making it possible for the user to see ON THE SAME SCREEN those paragraphs or pages containing the word or passage being studied.